Spring 2024
Art Director: Virginia Dittmar

Pelle is a website resource for leather lovers who want to learn how to properly care for, repair and make their leather pieces last. With fashion becoming increasingly fast-paced and unsustainable, we aim to help fashion enthusiasts invest in and care for quality leather pieces that will last a lifetime.

Pelle is making the case for real leather! Ecologists and fashionistas agree that real leather looks better and lasts longer than vegan alternatives. We all have that one old leather jacket in our closet, maybe it was your dad’s, or his dad’s or maybe you just got it from the thrift. Either way, it’s been proven that quality leather can last up to 20 years (and even more with proper care and maintenance)! So breathe new life into that old jacket, it looks great on you.

Pelle’s website is home to hundreds of videos and articles pertaining to leather. This content includes instructional videos and product reviews all by certified professionals. On our website you will also find a wide range of tools and materials used for the care and upkeep of quality leather. For leather beginners, we offer a kit of leather-care basics including a set of polishes, brushes, needles.

The target customer demographic for Pelle is men and women, aged between 25-45, who have a distinct interest in fashion, sustainability and craftsmanship. Someone with the money to invest in a quality leather garment that is willing and interested in putting in the time to taking care of it.