Fall 2022
Art Director: Kelly Thorn

Introducing Poisson Bonbon, a line of gourmet candy fish packaged in traditional sardine cans!

For this project I sought inspiration from the inventor of modern canning himself: Nicholas Appert. Appert was a French confectioner and released his method of sealing and preserving food in 1809. To honor Appert and his history of candy making I wanted to create a candy fish packaged in a can.

Preliminary design sketches from my sketchbook

Chocolate "sardines"
As a child, my father frequently traveled to Portugal for work and would always return with a bags of sardine-shaped chocolates wrapped in shiny foil for my sister and I. I was inspired by these chocolates when brainstorming ideas for this project. I envisioned Poisson Bonbon being sold as fancy candies in gift shops and artisanal grocery stores.

I wanted to make my design flexible to accommodate new flavors. By changing small elements in the packaging I could quickly customize my tins for different flavors, in this case, blueberry and raspberry.

Synthesizing my original concepts into actualized package designs was a challenge. My ideas underwent many revisions before arriving at the final concept. Throughout this experience I learned how to plan for and execute a package design and how to take irregular forms into consideration and design around them.